August 1, 2011

70s much?

"Revolution is not something fixed in ideology, nor is it something fashioned to a particular decade. It is a perpetual process embedded in the human spirit. "
Abbie Hoffman

Ohhh...with this new trend I can´t help but recall a picture of my mom sitting in the grass with that Farrah Fawcett´s hairsytle, a cute tshirt and those flaire pants... I love it! and now it´s back...

[click on the pictures to check them better :) ]
The hair...
Those waves and updo´s... Just so much fun!

Those loose textures, flaire pants, one shoulder sleeves... orange... so despreocupied...

On make up, bright colors... cat eyes... neon lips...

And shoes, we have wedges, and cute platforms ....

Hope you are as excited as I am with this return... and yes... I wish my mom had saved some of her clothes...